Monday, 28 February 2011

The Event Spring Preview Trailer 12

NBC have released this very brief trailer for the US return of The Event on the 7th of March.

It is slightly odd as it appears to be someone filming the trailer and then posting the video of the video !

It also gives a very big hint at what might happen on the 7th of March and is all a bit eerie.

Thanks for SG_Tess for telling us first about this new teaser trailer.

We also have an update from Truthseeker5314

This is a police accident report about a collision with a car and a van that belongs to Willowbrook Behavioural Hospital, where Leila's sister was being held.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Are You Ready For Some More ? 9

Well it is nearly time for The Event to come rushing back to our screens, there will be a double catchup episode on the 28th of Feb and then the brand new episodes will start on the 7th of March on NBC.

It's a long overdue return and there are lots of people waiting to see if it has been worth the wait. I get a feeling that episode 11 and 12 could be the tipping point for the series, if it isn't a really engaging and active episode it may alienate a lot of the audience.

That is assuming that is there is still some audience to be found ! Let us know if you are still here and if you intend to start watching again.

You can see dotted about in this post some preview images from the new episodes.

One final thing, there is no official word yet on when UK viewers will get to see episode 11, but Channel 4 have indicated that it will be in a similar timescale to the first 10 episodes. As soon as we know more the information will be posted here.

Friday, 11 February 2011

New Truthseeker5314 Post 5

I'm not one to pat myself on the back, but perhaps that barb in my last post motivated someone over at Senator Lewis's office to help us out. I received the attached video, which I can only presume is declassified surveillance footage from the Mt. Inostranka Detention Facility in Alaska's Brooks Mountain Range. (Then again, it could be a landfill in Saskatchewan.) Only time will tell.

At the very least, I hope this new pipeline of information sharing will continue...

Mount Inostranka Surveillance Footage