Via the @NBCTheEvent Twitter site we got an announcement of the new version of the official website.
Click Here to go to the site
Not a total difference from the original site but it does look like it has some interesting features.
Have a look around the site and let us know what you think, which features interest you and which you could do without.
well, I will have to get back to checking into this. Can't wait till it starts !
They have also updated website.
The google map site is now just a separate page, the main site just shows the flashing word square that you click to get to the main site.
Thanks, Zort. I saw this earlier, but I had no time to make the post. There is a link to site.
I thought I check the front page earlier this week. How did I miss this post? :)
I follow The Event twitter so I've been seeing all of their updates too. I like that they have video explanations and profiles of the characters. You can get to know a little about them before the show starts.
Yes, it's very helpful to know the characters a little, especially in a large ensemble cast.
OK. I have some catching up to do! On it.
when does it start and what night is it on ?
Sept 20th?
Kewl, that would be Mondays and i have nothing that night of the week. thanks Chris !
Just be careful out there: There's a major spoiler about The Event. I inadvertently saw it when SpoilerTV posted it in their headline!! The producers have addressed this and are being very vague about whether it's true or not.
And to think we wouldn't have to worry about spoilers any more with LOST over! :(
I seen a tweet that there was a spoiler that tells what The Event is. I haven't seen any spoilers yet myself.
I see alot of the old gang and a few TLEC members are following the blog. I hope this show gives us another great community to come to.
Thanks for the good blog work again, Zort! And to everyone helping and admin-ing. :o)
Gee Tess, I keep forgetting that you're SG, it's going to take a bit longer for me to get used to your new handle, haha.
I'm kinda scared to get into this show, after how they pulled the plug on Fast Forward on me, the jerkmeisters. I really wanted one more season. The FF S2 is not happening anymore, right?
Great to have another show for another place for us to meet.
Hi Capcom and everyone else that is joining us. I assume you mean Flash Forward !
I too hope there is more to this series than some of the early press.
I keep getting some good vibes and then the odd bad one.
Hey Capcom
Maybe I should keep signing my post ~SG~ but I keep forgetting.
Uggg!! I had to get a new wireless keyboard because my old one died. I think the poster drops last summer did it in. ;) It keeps double spacing and The shift button doesn't always capitalize. It's making me batty. lol
It's been a while but NEW POST
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