Monday, 6 September 2010

The Event Is Coming Map - New News Articles 29

On the The Event IS Coming map website there have been some new articles posted.

They are all about President Martinez and all end with a question -

What will U.S. President Martinez do about race relations?

Who are U.S. President Martinez's enemies and will he defeat them?

Curious about U.S. President Martinez's other preferences?

Can U.S. President Martinez control the military and save the country?


Lisa-Maladylis said...

first ! lol thanks for the new post Zort, I sure hope this show is a good one.

Tess315 said...

Hi Lisa
Hope you're doing well. Between you and maven I don't stand a chance of being first. lol

Thanks for the post zort. I seen this tweeted but haven't gotten around to looking at it yet.

I'm on my way to the my local theme park today and by local I mean 65 miles away. Eveyone in the US have a great Labor Day.

Zort70 said...

Hi all, have a good Labor Day holiday for those that are holidaying.

maven said...

I saw those articles, also, yesterday. Hopefully, more and more will be forthcoming as we get closer to the debut on the 20th!

Also, hope you're doing better, Lisa!

Everyone have a safe Labor Day holiday today! And, L'Shana Tov for those who celebrate Rosh Hashana starting tomorrow evening.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

thanks for thinking of me everyone, I appreciate it. Its hard to deal with knowing that something is in my head that can kill me. Its giving me pains in my head and making me wobbly which is scary. I'll have a craniotomy when they figure out it's time, just a wait and see right now. I'm hoping this show is something to take my mind off of things.

Just Thinking said...

Interesting how they have many parallels to the Obama presidency here it seems.

We all keep you in our thoughts Lisa.

Just Thinking said...

I'm looking at the Mt Inostranka photo and trying to guess what the black tear shaped spots in front of the buildings might be. Any ideas?

Zort70 said...

Just thinking, the obvious thing I first thought of is people, as they are about the right size.

However the elongated shape would imply there is another light source casting a strong shadow, that is different from the position of the sun, or that they are lying down.

If the they are lying down then as the shapes are a uniform colour the next logical conclusion for me is that they may be body bags.

Zort70 said...

Talking of shadows, there are a few of the car sized objects that have no shadow.

Zort70 said...

I've created a post with some closeups of the inconsistencies.

ChrisL said...

Nice post Zort.

maven said...

Good thinking on the shadows, Zort! I'm thinking that this is all photoshopped...either as part of the conspiracy or a lazy intern (we've seen those before)! Like the idea of body bags, too.

MJCarp said...
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MJCarp said...

hi, very quickly 'cause I shouldn't be HERE!

The first thing I thought of when looking at the picture as a whole, is a circuit board. ? does anyone else see that?

and I'm pretty sure that's Smokey in the bottom right-hand corner. O_O

I see there are new teasers, so will have a look later tonight.

maven said...

I've starting following Blair Underwood on FB (could be him, could be those blasted interns). Here's what I posted when he asked if we had a good weekend:

BTW, Blair, you should check out our fan site to discuss The Event (we are former Losties anxious to have something new to discuss):

Zort70 said...

That's our Maven, friend to the stars :-)

Just Thinking said...

Ooo-body bags! Well that starts out ominously- may be Zort.

I noticed some shadow problems too- but as Maven says, I assume this is a constructed photo, so I'm guessing just errors, not clues.

In other words, the show creators mean us to take this as a "secret photo", but didn't line up all the shadows very well.

By Squirrel Baby, our first consistency error!

Tess315 said...

Body bags. Good thought. I just thought they were people with the picture taken from above the shadows could make them look teardrop shape. But we have shadows from different sources. hmmm

maven said...

FYI: Emmy winner, Hal Holbrook, has been signed for a story arc in The Event. He plays, Dempsey, a businessman who butts head with the President's.

Sandman90 said...

I like the body bag idea. Given the constructed nature of the image, and the fact that each of the vehicle types are identical copies of each other, I'm not sure about the significance of shadows. Looking at the shadows does make me notice that many of the vehicles without shadows are darker their lighter counterparts with shadow perhaps indicating an exposure/burning phenomenon.

Sandman90 said...

I meant to say the darker vehicles might indicate a burn/exposure phenomenon with the newer vehicles cleaning up the mess, hence the body bags.

Tess315 said...

I seen that. I tried to retweet it but it never showed up. Hal Holbrook is an excellent actor his arc should be interesting.

Tess315 said...

LOL My retweet showed up I just didn't where to look for it. For those interested there's a 5 minute sneak peek at iTunes for free.
I know we can't talk about it here but I thought some may be interested in it.

ChrisL said...

Where can we see the sneak peek in the UK Zort? Any idea?

Tess315 said...

I wish I knew how to help you. It's not what I'd call a full 5 minute sneak peek. You get a clip them the actor talking about their character. Then another etc. There is a little more in the clips that I haven't seen on the NBC website.

ChrisL said...

Thanks Tess. I guess it'll be up on YouTube before long...

maven said...

The list is out for The Event Demand It pre-screenings: Los Angeles, Petersburg (VA), Chicago, and Oklahoma City.

maven said...

I registered for the Los Angeles one, but The Grove is not that close to me and it's for first come first served (and they admit they're overbooking)! So most likely will watch in the comfort of my own home!

Zort70 said...

I'm not sure where that longer sneak peak is, but I'll have a search for it tomorrow.

In the meantime there is a NEW POST with the new video of the Inostranka set design.