Monday, 18 October 2010

The Event UK Premiere 22nd of October 11

Only 1 day to go to the UK premiere of the new US show The Event. Don't forget it is a double bill with the first two episodes showing on Friday night.

The Channel 4 website has a handy countdown so you know when it is on, as well as some cast interviews and previews.

Still not sure you want to watch, then read Jo Garfein's (Jopinonated) spoiler free review of the first episode.

The Radio Times for this week has a few segments talking about the pilot, but it's probably best if you don't read Alison Graham's column, it isn't very complimentary, just read the episode description below as it is the Pick of the Day for Friday.

Remember for UK viewers, click here for articles on this site suitable for UK viewers who are watching at a UK pace.


Zort70 said...

Hello to any UK viewers that are with us, that are going to watch at a UK pace.

maven said...

Happy for the UK viewers!!

I saw that there will be no new The Event episodes in the month of December. That is trying to be confirmed at SpoilerTV.

Tess315 said...

Welcome to the new UK watchers.

Nick Wauters had said in a tweet during the Q&A he had after the premier that they'd go on hiatus after episode 10 which is the Monday before Thanksgiving and return in January.
Of course that was before they were picked up for a full season. That may have change now.

Tess315 said...

@theevetlog says he's confirmed that The Event will be on hiatus in December.

Zort70 said...

I've added a little something extra for UK viewers to the main page.

I was amazed and delighted when Mr Wauters followed us on Twitter, so I thought I'd send a DM and ask a question for the UK viewers and got this very nice reply back.

Tess315 said...

Nick Wauters went to Oberlin College, about 170 miles north east of me near Cleveland. He used Oberlin Ohio as one of Vicky's Ids.

maven said...

There's a new post on The Truthseeker's blog. Has surveillance pics of Sophia heading toward a building that's being cordoned off.

Tess315 said...

I just seen that tweeted. I haven't taken a look yet.
The UK fans really seemed to like The Event tonight. More positive tweets tham negative ones.

Tess315 said...

Huh. Thanks for that link maven. When I got to the blog and click the link in the story it takes me to a pic of Sophia on the subway and that's it.

maven said...

That's weird, Tess. When I click on my link it takes me to the post and you scroll down for the pictures.

Good to hear that the UK fans liked The Event! What are you hearing, Zort?

Zort70 said...

Generally people seem to like it, but they don't really know what to make of it.

Lots of mentions of LOST and Flash Forward. The press seems to be convinced that the 44's are aliens pure and simple, no matter if they are or are not proved to be so.

It's worth saying that US TV shows and networks often underestimate the power of the UK audience. Quite often if a show is a hit over here then there is more chance of it being a long running show.