Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Alaskan Senators 5

The TrusthSeeker 5314 blog has a new update for us.

The TruthSeeker reports that Senator Lewis of Alaska has died and that his wife, Catherine, will be taking over temporarily. He also suggests that senator Lewis may have been party to the cover up of the true nature of the Inostranka facility.

It also so happens that the actress that plays the seantor's wife is Virginia Madsen who has recently been announced as a new cast member for The Event. You can find out more about Virgina at her official website or follow her on Twitter @madlyv

Thanks to SG_Tess for letting us know about the new TruthSeeker information.


Zort70 said...

Thanks SG_Tess for the heads up, the comments on the previous post got caught up in moderation as the post is over 30 days old.

maven said...

Thanks, SG_Tess and Zort for updating us. Nothing really new here....yawn!

Capcom said...

Looking forward to the show starting back up again and talking to you all about it. Hope that everyone has a great 2011! :-)

Tess315 said...

I need to pay attention to the front page. I just had the blogger page open on my phone when I made the post about Truthseeker. I didn't know there was a new post up. Now two. :)

I wish they'd do some more promo for rue show too. I'm afraid it's going to lose viewership. Looking for to talking with everyone on Feb. 28th. When does it start back up in the UK Zort?

Zort70 said...

There hasn't been a confirmed date for the show in the UK yet, but I'm quietly confident it will only be a few days behind the US again.

Anyway a small snippet of news is in a NEW POST