Friday, 11 February 2011

New Truthseeker5314 Post 5

I'm not one to pat myself on the back, but perhaps that barb in my last post motivated someone over at Senator Lewis's office to help us out. I received the attached video, which I can only presume is declassified surveillance footage from the Mt. Inostranka Detention Facility in Alaska's Brooks Mountain Range. (Then again, it could be a landfill in Saskatchewan.) Only time will tell.

At the very least, I hope this new pipeline of information sharing will continue...

Mount Inostranka Surveillance Footage


Just Thinking said...

OK- so here we are in the snow- waiting for the show to come back!

Zort70 said...

Hi all, it's been a while !

I think the marketing and hype machine will start to kick into gear in the next couple of weeks.

maven said...

Surprised to see this new Truthseeker post. Doesn't say much, though.

I am seeing more and more The Event tweets. There is a new recap video explained by fans.

Tess315 said...

Three weeks until The Event comes back. I hope it comes back strong.

I see blogger has changed how you sign in. This should be intersting.

Tess315 said...

Oooh kay that was weird I started the sign in process and it was asking to save changes so I backed out and my comment had been posted. ??? I knew it would be intersted. :)