Monday, 23 May 2011

Episode 22 Discussion Post 65

Is it the end or is it the beginning of a new chapter ? Whatever happens stay with us to discuss the season finale of The Event tonight.

The White House is gripped by a power struggle of historic proportions, pitting Martinez and Chief of Staff Peel against Jarvis and his secret ally, Sophia.

Elsewhere, Sean, Vicky, Sterling, and Simon race to stop the dispersion points for the virus.

Meanwhile, Leila fights for her life but it all may be too late as the portal begins to open, sending tremors across the globe.

Episode title - "Arrival"

While you are waiting for the episode to start don't forget to check out the Truthseeker 5314 blog where there is a message from Truthseeker to say he / she is going to leave where they are hiding and get on the road.

They also say that there are some posts ready to go and will be automatically published if anything happens. So we may get some more insight into the story after this episode.


Tess315 said...

One last discussion. Will anyone be with me?

Just Thinking said...

Hello Tess! I may go back and forth- think Jo is doing a live chat for the Lost anniversary tonight.

Amused2bHere said...

I'll be around. I'm going to try to watch live tonight (if my laptop cooperates.) Wish me luck!

Tess315 said...

Hi Amused
That will be great. I'm hoping my power doesn't go out. My lights are flickering.

Black Swan said...

Hi, SG, JT, Amused! Made it here in time. Happy Lost 'The End' one- year anniversary! (altho not sure i should say 'happy')

SG, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your power not to go out and for you, Amused, so your laptop cooperates. The weather has been bad here too, but nothing like in MO.. gosh, my heart goes out to those affected by the tornado.

Darn, think i missed Jo's live chat!

Looking forward to tonight and it sounds like the last 10 minutes will be revealing!

Just Thinking said...

OK - multitasking here we go!

Black Swan said...

This show has the habit of bad timing coinciding with real-life events

Tess315 said...

I just realized I'm recording the Columbus channel which has weather reporting. I'm watching a Cincinnati channel.

Tess315 said...

Hi Swan and JT
The storm has passed by so I think my power will be ok. They had tornado warning out west of Columbus about an hour ago.

Just Thinking said...

Whee- lots going on.

Just Thinking said...

think the prez was wired?

Black Swan said...

oh, maybe JT!

Tess315 said...

The Prez needs to hit Javis with his cane.

Black Swan said...


Black Swan said...

oh, no!

Tess315 said...

Get up Prez!

Just Thinking said...

Oh oh- Simon!

Tess315 said...

Whoa i was hoping he had a vest.

Tess315 said...

I just yelled come on Vicky at the tv. lol

Black Swan said...


Black Swan said...

C'mon, prez! Take out that audio of Jarvis' guilt! (would have been great if he was wired, JT)

Tess315 said...

You called JT wired.

Just Thinking said...

Hee hee

Black Swan said...

YAY!! You called it, JT!!

Just Thinking said...

Maybe the last chance to try and beat the writers. Oh well- whatever we don't find out we can imagine.

Tess315 said...

She's pregnant.

Black Swan said...

I was just gonna say that, SG!

Yeah, we can write the continuation of The Event

They left because of the EVENT? the rebirth?

Amused2bHere said...

Uh oh. Now what?

Black Swan said...

all the answers are in the scroll, even how it all ends.
meet you at Dempsey's office, LOL

Just Thinking said...

Oh great- the scroll. Well, maybe they can make it into a book! lol

Tess315 said...

Bringing the people is the event. 2 1/2 billiion people landing at once would instantly kill the humans. Wouldn't it?

Black Swan said...

yep, JT.. a book would work

they found the portal!

Black Swan said...

If it wasn't a portal, SG, I would agree with you. wonder how this is gonna work anyway????? The Earth could explode!

Amused2bHere said...

So...why can't Earth absorb another 2.5 biilion? I think we have room.

Tess315 said...

There's suppose to be something new at Dempsey desk on the website according to a tweet I read.

Black Swan said...

Not sure I trust the scrolls and their prophecy. Are we 'variables' taken into account here?!? what about free will!?

Amused2bHere said...

Earthquakes, floods, strange tremors, unnatural weather and geologic disturbances...are we living this?

Amused2bHere said...

yeah, We knew that.

Black Swan said...

You called it, SG! Now it's my turn to call something.

hmmm, how about we see Dempsey again before the hour is up?

Black Swan said...


Black Swan said...

the whole planet is coming?? Mrs. President calls it home?

Just Thinking said...

So - they brought the whole planet- and it is mrs M's home.

Just Thinking said...


Tess315 said...

They brought the whole planet?

Amused2bHere said...

Holy moley!
so she was one of "them" after all.
and this is all we get? Oh man...

Tess315 said...

So Mrs Prez was an EBE after all.

Just Thinking said...

That was a nice twist that the event is something different and that the EBE's were trying to protect humans. but then, why did Sophia come back with the group to Earth at all?

Amused2bHere said...

They had no choice? Oh there is more tovthis story, fer shur

Unknown said...

1-Does this mean there's some Sofia people on earth that don't believe in what she and her son were doing and don't follow her ideal?(I'm referring to Mrs.president and how she had no contacts with any of her native people who were with Sofia)

2-so the event is the rebirth. i guess if the Sofia people stayed back then, the people of the earth would not have existed because of the "event" as Simon says lol

3-sucks that shaun went back to blondie..smh

4-hopefully there's another season. More on what shaun's role in all this should be. what the president's wife would scheme...

Unknown said...

I dont think they were trying to protect humans. This is like a scenario of "between a rock and a hard place". I dont think the humans would have chosen to die for another race, nor chosen to welcome them either. its funny how them killing humans is a form of protection in that sense.

Just Thinking said...

Hi bigo- If there's another season it will have to be somewhere else- but who knows. It would be nice to get a little humor in the show if they do go on.

Tess315 said...

I hope they find a way to give us a second season.

Just Thinking said...

I meant what Simon said about leaving the Earth because if they stayed through the Event, the humans would die.

Black Swan said...

I'm confused

taiphun said...

Show's cancelled unless some other network picks it up. :-/

Amused2bHere said...

Well, time travel has to be involved, and they know what would happen if they stayed because it already did. They were trying to escape the future, which is coming true anyway...



Just Thinking said...

Jason Ritter just put this up:

Ladies and Gentlemen! Please tweet #NetFlix & @Netflix & let them know we want #TheEvent season 2

I had heard that Netflix might get into producing shows.

Black Swan said...

Thanks, JT.. will do!

I find this Netflix possibility fascinating. I wonder how they'll handle that? I have the streaming only Netflix now (no dvds). You can get more, better and newer things with the dvd-also choice. I heard that they wanted to give the streaming-only all the same titles, but certain cable stations and others were complaining about pushing them out of the competition. I suppose they'll be almost like the premium cable channels if they start producing their own shows.

Black Swan said...

osofine said...

They could wrap this up in a mini-series or two-hour special. I'm so sick of every show ending in a cliffhanger even though there is always the real possibility that it will be cancelled. I've been watching a lot of UK shows (thanks to streaming Netflix, btw... so I would be happy if Netflix picked this up!) lately, and I noticed that they don't tend to end in cliffhangers at the end of "series" (they refer to "seasons" as "series" - a bit confusing for ppl used to U.S. terminology). The U.K shows seem to have each block (series/season) of shows planned out from the beginning with arcs that are resolved in the end. Why do we need cliffhangers? I know if I liked a show one year, I'll watch it the next year! Cliffhangers are a lazy way of planning (or rather, not-planning) a show. A series should be plotted out like a film or a book - not just wavering around and seeing how long they can drag it out!

[Note: I reserve the right to post similar thoughts later in other locations. This is my first post talking about U.S. vs. U.K. programming.]

maven said...

Well that was pretty cool in the last few moments (the rest of the hour was pretty lame and predictable...especially the pregnancy).

Too bad it might just be the end.

Zort70 said...

Hi all, if it isthe end it will be annoying !

I can see many possibilities with that ending.

Very nice twist to bring the whole planet, not just a fleet of ships.

I'm off to capture some screenshots and see what updates there are around the web.

Zort70 said...

One thought I did have about Vicky was that after the hug she gave Sean, it seemed like she knew him very well.

So what about her being Sean and Leila's daughter ?

Zort70 said...

I've created a NEW POST as there is a an update to Dempsey's Office

Black Swan said...

Zort, interesting thought about Vicki being Sean and Leila's daughter. It did seem quite odd to me that Vicki and Sean would ever be a couple. And you're right, there are many ways this could go with that ending they gave us.