Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Episode 9 - Your World To Take 67

Join us to discuss the penultimate new episode before the short break in transmission.

Dempsey sends his people after Sean and Leila as they try to find Samantha.

Meanwhile President Martinez reacts to the knowledge of who betrayed him within his administration.

Also, after revealing her plan for the Sleepers future, Sophia learns of dissension among her people. She sets a trap for the perpetrators and acts decisively to quell any future mutiny.


Tess315 said...

Will it be me and Black Swan again tonight or will I be alone this week? :)

Tess315 said...

The Call to arms.

Black Swan said...

I'm here!

Tess315 said...

I knew you wouldn't let me down! Good to see you Black Swan.
A lot more EBs than I thought.

Black Swan said...

quite a few there, huh?

Black Swan said...

Nice I get to see you here too, SG. How are things going? Got your turkey thawed out?

Tess315 said...

It's in the fridge right now.

Tess315 said...

Another EB with an agenda. Wonder what she's using Thomas for to gain?

Black Swan said...

So, these sleepers wanna stay for Thanksgiving with their new families? Like I said last week, Thomas has his own agendas.. Staging a coup? Power-hungry wants to be the new leader..

:) I don't have to cook this year. On the other hand, won't get all those great leftovers either.

Black Swan said...

hmmm, brutal

Searche la femme (my bad French spelling, LOL)

Tess315 said...

Isabel seems to be pushing Thomas into a coup.

Tess315 said...

Dempsey is just too creepy.

Black Swan said...

Yeah, Dempsey's eyes look weird..

Do you think it's Leila that will get that shot and we'll see her get old???

Black Swan said...

I'm still wondering if Leila is a half-breed alien. Maybe her mom was an alien. I still don't think Michael is.

Tess315 said...

I think they're after the girl that got away.
I wonder how that happened?

Black Swan said...

I don't know how she got away, but they sure are hiding her; must be she still looks old? I didn't catch a good look at her and was distracted at that moment (don't feel like going back with my dvr, LOL)

Tess315 said...

I'm sure about Leila or Sean anymore. At first I didn't think Sean wasn't a sleeper.

I thought Michael was a sleeper which may or may not make Liela a 1/2 human. Depending on her Mom.

Last week Sean said something strange when the left the building they blew up. He said they'd get old. Not grow old or older.

Black Swan said...

oh, interesting catch about what Sean said when they left the building.. didn't know that..

wow, what is this thing?

don't put your hand in there!!!!!!!

wha???? what's in that vial? Will he do it??

Tess315 said...

No. Like Sophia said he's not strong. But I could be wrong.
Maybe it's the core power of the portal.

Black Swan said...

I don't think he'll shoot his Mom.. that talk she had with him in the plane got to him.

Funny how this show keeps going in greater and greater increments of 'bad guys'

Tess315 said...

Ah it's a key.

Black Swan said...

It's the 'key'

Like Jack.. taunted by a parent who says you don't have what it takes.

Black Swan said...

Betcha they end tonight's show with Sean pulling off Abby's hood and ......... SHOCK! ...... she looks like a little ol' lady

Black Swan said...

nm, poor Abby...

they ARE experimenting on these kids!

Tess315 said...

Good call! Yoou were right.

Black Swan said...

I love Sean

Yeah, they want to get Leila and give her that syringe, whatever it is

StillWatching said...

Hmmm, starting to wonder if Michael Buchanon broke Leila out of somewhere?

Black Swan said...

oh, hello K! (Lost2010?)

hmmm, interesting idea

StillWatching said...

yes. . .that's me. :)

Tess315 said...

Abby doesn't look as old as the others I wonder if it wears off.

BTW did that guy say to Dempsey he'd give her another injection?

Black Swan said...

good point on Abby not looking as old as the others, so I think it does wear off. Makes me think Dempsey is really the younger one we saw him seeing in the mirror and he's taking that liquid to stay looking old coz he's an alien!

StillWatching said...

Plus, I saw what kids you steal the youth out of look like on another show recenty, and they look much different. ;)

Black Swan said...

Sounds like the Amish when they get 'shunned' as one choice...

whoa.. 'prove your loyality'

Mom is tough

Tess315 said...

Whoa don't make Mama mad.

Tess315 said...

Hi K.

StillWatching said...

I wonder if they literally can't live without contact with others of their kind or whether she's just saying that Isabel wouldn't be able to stand it emotionally.

StillWatching said...

Hi. . .sorry, I just sort of drifted in midway through. . .

Black Swan said...

The 'fall finale' next week looks exciting!

I wonder if Mom is just going by the 'rules' of their home planet.. Jacob maybe writes the rules. ;)

Black Swan said...

K, my suspicion is that it would be something Isabel couldn't take emotionally

Black Swan said...

SG, I'll have to rewind to find out if it was ANOTHER injection..

skating with the stars is on, LOL..

StillWatching said...

Gotta watch Jin-Ho, now. ;)

Black Swan said...

btw, for those with little kids or grandkids, Amazondotcom has a free MP3 download of a whole Christmas Album by the Veggie Tales


Black Swan said...

Why do they put all the good things at once?!?!?

StillWatching said...

I know. . .I also like Chase pretty well, but I just watched last week's episode this morning so I thought I'd go for 5-0 tonight. :)

Tess315 said...

I get the feeling that they literally can't live without each other.

Black Swan
Ah Jin-Ho I like that. :)

StillWatching said...

Interesting that their homeworld is barely viable. . .so they were looking for a new home? Or just looking for a place to wait things out while their home recovered?

Black Swan said...

We end up watching House on Friday nites when they always re-run it (and The Good Guys is on right after, love that show!) I've never seen Chase.. Hawaii 5-0 is great and i just love the locations shots and Jin-Ho, LOL!

I know, K.. sounds like they were either looking for a new home or maybe just got LOST as they were leaving their home planet in some kind of an emergency evacuation.. certainly an interesting story behind it all.

Tess315 said...

They may have been looking for a new home and crshed. But why are they trying to get home? Maybe because humans are behind them in technology? The "prime directive" I couldn't resist that.

Just Thinking said...

Hi guys-- had to watch late, sorry I missed it again.

I'm confused about what they are doing to the girls now. I guess Dempsey could be trying to "grow old" if he is trying to develop technology to make the 44's look old so they can blend in. Since some of them planned to stay. he would be a much stronger enemy for Sophia.

Black Swan said...

SG, I suppose if they left in a hurry in some kind of evacuation scenario, the they'd want to get back and see if their planet (and any people there) have recovered. They may not even know if their loved ones left behind survived.

Hello, JT! I don't know which way to think about Dempsey. It almost doesn't make sense that Dempsey is trying to develop a tech to make the 44's look old. (other than maybe for himself, to fool others to think he's human) I suppose it could be a thing for those 44's who have found love and family with a human, just to fit in and not make it so difficult (like what they showed with Simon)

Black Swan said...

I dunno.. Dempsey just seems NOT interested in anyone's well-being other than his own, but it's a pattern here of showing someone as evil, then showing us they aren't

StillWatching said...

Thomas still seems pretty evil.

Tess315 said...

Dempsey seeems pretty evil to me. If he changes I'll be surprised.

Tess315 said...

Oh and hi JT.

Black Swan said...

I find Thomas more pitiful than evil at this point. I'm scared of 'MOM', LOL.

Yeah, what we need is a face-off between Sophia and Dempsey.. that would be great!!

Just Thinking said...

I thought Sophia's story about Thomas in the rain was interesting, in light of Simon saying that he- what was it- wasn't use to seeing water?

At some point they could stay in the rain for hours.

Tess315 said...

You think maybe each person at the meeting with Sophia represents a nation or continent?

Tess315 said...

One more thing before bed. What would make their world unviable? A nuclear holocaust?

Zort70 said...

Hi all, just finished watching.

I still don't know what ties the two strands of story together other than Dempsey might be using the 44's technology to hold off his natural aging.

So their own world is not viable, but they can wait 60 odd years to go back, do they think it will still be there when they do ?

Have there been lots of teams sent out to find what they need or is it just Sophia's people ?

Is there anyone else on the way to find out what happened ?

Sophia is very godfather like in her leadership style, you are with me or against me and if you are with me you will do anything I say to prove your loyalty.

Tess315 said...

Will it be sixty odd years When they go back? They age much more slowly than we do. Maybe time in their world moves slowly too. It may have been only a few months instead of years that has past in their world.

Zort70 said...

Tess, good point, time could be a factor either as you say because of different rates of passage or because of a worm hole time dilatation type of thing that they might use to get home.

StillWatching said...

I was thinking of all those stargate episodes where people went underground to allow their world to heal and then sort of forgot it was out there healing. . .

Maybe the point was to go away and give it 60 years to try and correct itself. .

Also, what harm (other than making little girls age oddly) are sophia's people doing to this world that it's so critical to her that they go back. . .is it just a prime directive sort of a thing. . .or are they literally causing harm by being 'here'?

Lots to ponder. . .

Zort70 said...

K, yes I thought of "The Prime Directive" as well when Sophia talked about it.

Seemed a little too much like Star Trek.

Zort70 said...

I've added a new screen grab post for episode 9.

Amused2bHere said...

thanks for the veggie tales christmas album. I love it!

I'm wondering if anyone else noticed that Abby's "age" seemed to fade as the show went on. I thought she was getting younger as they went. Was I imagining it?

There's still so many questions. I guess my LOST training helps give me patience for TheEvent.

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone.

Zort70 said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all the people celebrating.

There is a new Truthseeker post so I'll put the details on the main page.

Tess315 said...

Happy Thanksgiving.