Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Episode 10 - Everything Will Change 78

President Martinez confronts the traitor in his administration, only to be met with threats of exposing the cover-up of Avias Air 514.

Even after testing the loyalty of Isabel and Thomas, Sophia still suspects their subterfuge, so she sends Simon on a fact-finding mission. Her suspicions are confirmed when Thomas unveils a shocking new plan. Meanwhile, on the hunt for Samantha, Sean and Leila battle the mercenaries sent by Dempsey.


Tess315 said...

Last one for awhile.

Just Thinking said...

Hi Tess-I'm live for once.

Tess315 said...


Black Swan said...

Hi SG & JT! Looks to be a good one tonight!

Just Thinking said...

So- the formula does age, not keep young.

Tess315 said...

i wouldn't be so sure Mr. VP.

Black Swan said...


Yeah, it makes them age! So, is it a disguise to make them not seem to be part of the sleepers?

Tess315 said...

Hi Black Swan.

Just Thinking said...

OK- so we expected the missile site

Tess315 said...

Are they having a ritual?

Tess315 said...

The SEC shell companies.

Just Thinking said...

You mean that is where the money is from Tess?

Are they planning to set off the missile? Wonder what the plan is.

Black Swan said...

Ah, yes! And hi back, SG! (waving) hope you both had a great Thanksgiving!

I always liked conspiracies and the idea of an illuminatae.. just never thought it would be led by aliens, LOL.

Thomas and his mother seem to know each other well even though they've been separated for 66 years.

Just Thinking said...

Their goal seems to be to stay- so they have to take over the 44's- and then how to manage among the humans?

Tess315 said...


Just Thinking said...

Dr Dempsey?

Just Thinking said...

This is more interesting than when they are running around desperately.

Tess315 said...

Anybody we know in that picture?

Just Thinking said...

We must find out too!

Just Thinking said...

I didn't see anyone besides Thomas and the murdered man.

Black Swan said...

So, the girls are in the basement! I bet we'll be seeing a shockingly old Samantha right at the end of this episode.

These experiments on the girls are for something like a reverse-fountain-of-youth thing?

JT, the sleepers are the ones who have built up lives here and want to stay, but that's not what Sophia and those imprisoned want. This is getting interesting. So, the missle is another experiment or just a threat to let the president know they have power? Thomas seems to me to be the type who is power hungry.. kind of like a little Napleon, LOL

Tess315 said...

Does the drug make humans look old but EBs look young? Or maybe the other way around? Or not. lol

Black Swan said...

don't confuse me more, SG.. ROFL!

Just Thinking said...

How will this topple Sophia though-looks like it would just start a war with the government.

Tess315 said...

i bet sis left a message on the wall

Black Swan said...

I think ALL of the aliens would be blamed as a group then? The ones still imprisoned would never be set free then, or something even worse.

Just Thinking said...

Yes- there it is SG!

Tess315 said...

Black Swan
lol I was confusing myself for awhile. :)

Black Swan said...

Gimme a high five, SG. You were right!

Tess315 said...

high five

Just Thinking said...

Yes, it would disrupt plans to leave- but also seems it would make life very hard for any 44's. Unless they just plan to blend in and stay. The government would surely keep trying to track them down though.

Maybe that's why the aging is so important- to hide them.

Tess315 said...

Thomas wants to be ruler of the world. Sophia doesn't. I think she just wants to go home. But I could be wrong. If Thomas starts a war that's not going to help Sophia.

Tess315 said...

is it armed?

Black Swan said...


I'm always confused but i love it (that's why i loved Lost, LOL)

I think I was right and Dempsey is really a 'youthful' alien who's developing a serum to make the aliens look old which is what they need to infiltrate the highest ranks of the US government. And we saw last week that it worked when we saw how Dempsey was pulling the strings with the VP and seemed like a Washington insider.

omg.. missle!!!!

Tess315 said...

There own people

Just Thinking said...

Phone home!

Maybe- here's a great little planet to make a new world in is the message.

Black Swan said...

JT, that's exactly what I was thinking.. the serum is to hide them and make them more 'human'.

Oh, it's a satellite!! They're communicating with HOME~ wonder if they're saying, 'come on to Earth.. we've got it safe here and we can take over the whole planet with your help'

Paul Stern doesn't age.. he's not human. Makes me think even more that Samantha and Leila are half-breeds.

Tess315 said...

Yes Yes Yes Yes I knew he was an EB!

Just Thinking said...

LOL-Sean's look- Where you from girl?

Black Swan said...

Oh, Michael is the alien! I thought it was their mother!

Yeah, JT.. that just what I was thinking, but you said it so much better.

I was wrong about seeing an aged Samantha at the end of this episode. :( no high-five, LOL

Black Swan said...

ok, ok... another high-five for you, SG!

Black Swan said...

I'm sure if Leila knew, she'd have that talk with Sean before they got married.. 'there's a little something I have to tell you, dear'

Just Thinking said...

Yes- I am surprised because Michael got sick just like all the other passengers. I guess the humans and 44's are very similar.

Tess315 said...

The conversation Michael was having with his wife the night he and Sam were kidnapped about how he thinks Sean can be trusted made me think he was an EB. Plus when the aircraft came in after the plane was grabbed he knew it wasn't anything good.

Tess315 said...

Well I didn't even finish that. lol
Those were some of the thing that made me think he was an EB.

But what was the story that Madeline was telling about him flying over Inostranka then finding her blog?

Just Thinking said...

Yes, why would he have files on investigating 44's? If he was one?

Tess315 said...

As usual with this show there's more than meets the eye.

Black Swan said...

hmmm, good point. Maybe he's just one of the EBs who doesn't like Thomas and is feeding Madeline info. Or maybe the writers of this show didn't think of that.

We can only speculate why Dempsey saw himself in that mirror and we got a glimpse of a younger 'him'. It could be that he is working with the aliens and sold his soul for their tech and knowledge on how to keep him forever young, or it could be that he's an alien developing a serum to make anyone with alien blood in them be able to look 'human' and age like we do. Washington is a strange place, a place where many are involved in the government their whole lives, not leaving with every change in the administration or congress. I think that gives some credence to the idea that he's an alien who has to appear to age, since those other Washington insiders would know him for a long time and would think it's strange that he doesn't age. Other 44'ers can be more transient. I wonder how long Simon has been around and why people haven't questioned the fact that he hasn't aged?

Just Thinking said...

He's been with the agency he's in now 10 years I believe. Sterling already commented on how he hadn't aged since he started.

Tess315 said...

Simon's been in the CIA for 10 years.

Was the man Dempsey sent after Leila human or an EB? The serum aged him. It seemed to make Dempsey younger, if it's the same thing.

Samantha didn't appear to age. Were they trying to find out if Leila would? They knew Michael was an EB. Maybe his wife was too. They had Samantha a little late in life. Are Sam and Leila half sisters?

Black Swan said...

Thanks for that info, JT. I haven't been following this show as closely as I did with Lost, not rewatching it like I did with Lost either.

btw, here's a link to some recent pics of Josh, Evie, and Daniel Day Kim at a softball event in Hawaii


Black Swan said...

That's a puzzle, SG. So, if the serum makes that guy Dempsey sent age to the point of death, I'd say that guy was just a regular human. If the serum doesn't kill you but just makes you look older, I'd say you have alien blood in you. I'm not sure it made Dempsey younger, did it? That was a crazy scene where they showed him looking in the mirror and we saw that younger vision of him for a moment. I just had the feeling they showed that so that we know who he really is underneath. idk

Black Swan said...

Oh, and good observations, SG! It's very possible that Sam and Leila are half-sisters and I hadn't thought of that!

OT, Josh looks amazing at that link; love his hair shorter and he's been working out :) his daughter is adorable, too!).. Evie looks PG! I suppose it could just be the dress. What do you think?

Tess315 said...

Dempsey getting younger was my initial thought. I keep forgetting that it's probably the other way around, that he's young looking getting older looking.

So that's basically what happened to the man Dempsey sent except he died. Maybe he just got too much.
I wonder if any of the young girls died?

Black Swan said...

I don't know which way it is really, SG. It could be either way and we have a long time now to wait and find out! I hope the girls didn't die.. what an awful thought!

OT again..

for a free MP3 download of Trans-Siberian Orchestra's "Dream Child" go to:


I had to download the amazon downloader again to get this, but it's pretty easy and works fine. I was looking for tickets and found this instead, LOL.

Just Thinking said...

BS- I agree with you ideas on the serum. If Dempsey looked younger for a minute, maybe he has found a way to switch back and forth? It wouldn't be much fun to stay old forever if you didn't have to all the time.

Hmm- Evie does look rather filled out-legs, ETC-not just the dress. Guess we'll wait and see.

Is that one song or a whole show? I saw them last year- very lively and visual- but I was glad I had my earplugs!

Just Thinking said...

Oh- I have it now- it's the title song. Thanks for that.

StillWatching said...

Maybe he made a serum to make him look old a long time ago and now he wants to reverse it and can't so he has to turn other 44s old so he can experiment on them to find a cure. . .or. . .okay, that seems unlikely now that I type it all the way out.


StillWatching said...

Well, she's either pregnant and that's a cute little maternity dress. . .or that's a fairly unfortunate choice of dress in that it makes her look rather pregnant. Good gracious, look at JH's arms! When is that Mission Impossible movie coming out again? LOL

Black Swan said...

JT, yep.. the title song. I would LOVE to see them in person! In fact, I was looking for tickets when I accidentally found that free download, but unfortunately nothing near me that I can find.

I agree Evie looks more filled out all over and we don't know if it's because she's expecting or whatever. Her 'sense of style' is sometimes not that great, IMO.

Hi, K!!! You make me laugh.. I was like "OMG, look at those arms" too! I had to fan myself looking at those pics (thud, faint) LOL! That Mission Impossible movie comes out NEXT December. Dang, that's a longggggg time to wait!

As far as that serum, I wonder if Dempsey just needs to keep taking it regularly to keep himself looking old and as soon as he would stop taking it, he'd be back to normal in awhile. With Abby, she was looking better without having been given the serum after she escaped, so maybe that was to show that the effects go away if you stop taking the serum?

Zort70 said...

Hi all, watched the episode now and loved it, and loved all your discussions above.

I thought it might be Sean who was the son of an EB, but it was Leila and Sam all along.

Still don't know if Dempsey is an Alien pretending to be human or a human using alien technology for something.

So if they have sent a signal out to home, are the people at home as human as the 44's appear or are they horrible bug eyed monsters that used human construct bodies to try and blend in ?

Zort70 said...

In a way I'm glad they didn't go all out for a huge mind bending, but slightly contrived, cliffhanger.

I think the episode gave us enough of a thread to hang by to get people to come back in the spring.

Tess315 said...

I'm still sticking with another dimension/alternate universe. At least until I'm proven wrong. :)

So it looks like Thomas is calling in an attack on Earth. Does Sophia have enough power to stop it? Or maybe he's calling in settlers. Of course if that's the case they're not going to be able to colonize without a fight.

Michael could have found Madeline's blog first and went to her with the story of flying over Inostranka just to get her trust and shut het down. Or maybe he was using her to figure out what Thomas was up to and stop him. Or Dempsey and stop him.

I'm not sure what Michael's up to. It isn't very clear. He knows about the SEC shell companies which I think areThomas' and about the girls Dempsey is kidnapping. O think he was trying to stop something but I'm not sure what.

Tess315 said...

I read an interview that said the Truth Seeker blog will be posting information during the hiatus. I don't know how often or how informative it will be. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Zort70 said...

I guess Truthseeker will be letting out snippets of info evey now and again, but how helpful the info will be is up for debate. Hopefully there will be some puzzles we can actually solve rather than information that makes no sense unless we watch the next episodes.

I get a feeling that Michael is possibly a different strand of EB, maybe one that did not arrive with the others in 1944.

It maybe that Dempsey is battling against / in league with (still not sure) this other faction of EB's.

Zort70 said...

Added some screenshots to the main page.

Amused2bHere said...

oh wow
missile? at first I thought he's targeted Inostranka. Then when it became a comsat I figured it's a call for reinforcements...the other refugee ships that are looking for an alternative to their "unviable" home. Shades of Battlestar Galactica! We found Earth!

I'm still confused as to what the serum does...age or youthify? I do agree that Leila and Sam are probably of mixed species. Sooo many questions...I love it.

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving last week (even those who live elsewhere).

StillWatching said...

@BS - Next December? We need to lobby for him to be a guest villain on H-50 in the meantime then. :)

Back on track. . .I still think Sean is an EBE too. The lack of parentage is just too convenient for him not to be.

Just Thinking said...

Back again-I think so too K- and that Sean probably doesn't know,-something we now know is possible since Leila had no idea. That raises the question of how the EBE children grow though- since he and Leila seem to have aged the same as Earth children. Unless you think Sean does know and is actually older than he looks?

BS- I was thinking like you today that the serum probably does just cause aging, and wears off. As you say, Dempsey and Abbey seemed to regress. So why did Dempsey's guy bring the serum to inject Leila right then and there? Just to test if she was an EBE? Or maybe how the serum would affect and older female? Don't get that.

About the satellite- it is weird that they keep talking about portals, but seem to have sent a signal out into space. Portal indicates time or dimension, but space just distance away.

StillWatching said...

It could go either way I guess but I had thought Sean probably doesn't know.

The portals look a lot like the wormholes on stargate and this episode seemed to imply that maybe they serve a similar function. Making travel between two very distant points much faster. Or maybe that's just me missing Stargate. :)

Amused2bHere said...

Portal=wormhole? Hm...who was it that said "only fools are trapped by time and space"? lol

Dimensions, aliens...oh my this is getting good!

Capcom said...

Hi Locos! I can't believe that I kept forgetting to come here and talk to you all, especially with missing you so much!

Great comments, and good job once again Zort! I'm very confused with this show, mostly because my VCR broke and I haven't been able to tape it at all, to go back for more detailed repeat analysis. But I'm looking forward to getting help from you TECies. :o)

Tess315 said...

Hey! Capcom
I was thinking about you the other day. I've missed seeing you around. Sorry to hear about your VCR.

I think this show is confusing everyone but I find it interesting. I'm afraid it might not last long though. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Capcom said...

Hi SG! :-D

I'm having trouble remembering everyone's names on this show. At least on Lost, people kept shouting other people's names all the time (since they were always either in danger or mad at each other so often) so it was easier to remember them, lol. I think I need to find a character list for this show to study up on the names so I know who you guys are talking about.

Tess315 said...

They have character bios and lots of other things about the show on The Event page at NBC.com

Tess315 said...

Truth Seeker has a new post. He has a facsimile of the transmission sent out from Thomas' satelite. He needs it decoded.

Zort70 said...

Hi Campcom, good to see you here.

Thanks Tess for the reminder, I saw the tweet but we have been implementing a new software product this weekend and I have no time other than a few short hours of sleep to do anything useful !

I've created a new post for the sound wave, I wonder if we can decode it, it sounds complex on a first listen.

Zort70 said...

I just realised what I wrote, sorry Capcom.